Journey of Love

This is personal for me. I’ve struggled mightily this year with misinformation, conspiracies, and alternative facts. I am not a politician, a scientist, or an expert in way shape or form. I am a human being trying to live empathetically, compassionately, and lovingly. And guess what, I still fail at it. Until I can consistently and wholeheartedly live a life of love, everything else seems secondary to me. You can be right and I’ll be wrong. You can believe the world is out to get you while I try to be a gentler human being. You can seek out and promote darkness (as if we need reminding) while I try to shine my light. You can be curious about wrongdoing while I try to learn how to do love. I’m not perfect. I’m not better than. I’m not an elite. I’m not spiritually superior. I am a human being on a journey of love...
