Daily Moment of Awareness [10.27.2019]

Moments of awareness shared with you

Life is the experience. Of course, our choices influence the experience. How we perceive it affects the experience. How we feel about our life experience is on each of us to explore.

People so often misunderstand and ultimately, become jaded, about how much YOU determine what your life experience will be. The work, meditation, praying, positive thinking, law of attraction. vibration, visualizing, etc. are all means to discover and move through the life experience.

The great majority of us will go through the the end of a relationship. And all of us will witness the loss of a loved one. It’s not about avoiding such happenings or pretending they do not evoke strong emotions within us. It’s all about the choices we make to accept, to learn from, and to move through them. Those are the times when we can, very much so, affect, influence, shift, our life experience.

Feeling pain? What are you doing to heal? Feeling stuck? What are you doing to grow?

Daily Moment of Awareness [10.24.2019]

Moments of awareness shared with you

You don’t heal by denying how you feel. You don’t heal by pretending you don’t feel what you feel. You don’t heal by forcing yourself to feel one way or another.

You heal by facing your hurt. By sitting with your pain. By grieving. By doing the work to honor what has happened and how you feel. By taking healthy steps in times of anguish and frustration. By accepting the ups, downs, and swirls of hurt. By reaching out and going within. By crying. Screaming. Sleeping. Breathing. Reflecting, Meditating or praying. Going to counseling, therapy, coaching. By doing whatever is necessary for you to engage, feel, and walk through the hurt. No timeline. Be patient.

You can feel and heal.