It's Always New

The new year brings a level of awareness for those of you who were not so aware during the previous year. You share resolutions. You pledge changes. You proclaim a rebirth is at hand.

That newness is available in every moment you get to experience. Every moment is brand new. No moment has ever been before.

This means, you experience a new year in every moment!

What are you going to do with this moment?

Daily Moment of Awareness [10.15.2019]

Moments of awareness shared with you

“Why didn’t that person respond as I had hoped?” or “Why didn’t that situation unfold as I had hoped?

Have you ever asked those questions? I do. In fact, I did this morning.

These questions place our attention on the outside of ourselves. Even when our intentions are pure and our preparation is solid, people and situations are ultimately out of our “control.” Sure we can affect both by what we bring to each, but that’s where it stops. We cannot control responses.

However, we can choose how we respond to a person’s response and or the unfolding of a situation. Ask yourself how you feel and why? Ask yourself what you could learn. And then, you can choose to ground yourself in the reality of the present moment.

I Am Strong

[I Am mini-series #2]

Have you forgotten about your strength? Your ability to overcome? To persevere? To move through the fear? To heal? 

Your strength has helped you countless times. This power resides within you, for you, whenever you need it. 

Honor your strength with gratitude

all words + words on image: Michael Barata / image: NordWood Themes

all words + words on image: Michael Barata / image: NordWood Themes

What Are You Telling Yourself?

Are you aware of the dialogue you spin in your head?

Are you rehashing a painful, past experience?

Are you doubting yourself?

Are you replaying somebody’s harsh judgment of you?

Are you what if’ing yourself into an oblivion?

Are you judging others?

Are you amplifying your fears and piggybacking them with anger?

Are you aware you can change all of that?

words + words on image: Michael Barata / image: Henry Be

words + words on image: Michael Barata / image: Henry Be

The Beginning Is This Moment

2018 has arrived. 

Like most of you, I tend to reflect on the past year and imagine how I'd like this year to be. Reflection is good. Planning is good. However, both distract you from being present. That approach to living may seem simple to some and impractical to others. The truth is, the current moment you find yourself in, is the only one you can affect. 

Instead of giving energy to what has happened or to what could be, give all of your attention, love, gratitude, skills and talents to the present. Ground yourself in the now. Recognize the potential available right here, right now. 

Not yesterday. Not tomorrow. Only today. 


Where Do You Sit?

“It is important to expect nothing, to take every experience, including the negative ones, as merely steps on the path, and to proceed.” ~ Ram Das

We tend to experience life through our desires or expectations or emotions. This leads us to feeling anxious or frustrated or super elated. The thing is, life is life. Life, as complex as it may seem, simply happens. What we decide to label the experience as a result of our preconceptions or judgments is outside of what is

When we experience joy, we cling to it. When we experience hard times, we dwell on them. And yet, the moments happen(ed), whereas life happens. And life is only ever unfolding in the present. Your now is your life. 

Are you sitting in the past? Perhaps you pulled up a chair in the future. Maybe, just maybe, it's time have a seat, right here, right now, in the present moment.