To and With

We’ve mastered talking about and posting about others. Could you imagine speaking with and interacting with people we don’t understand?

We typically don’t understand others for only one reason - our experiences are different.

That’s right. We each experience life differently. Those experiences will then inform and mold our beliefs. Those beliefs then become safety, security, and comfort to which we cling. Let that land.

When you take issue with someone else, it is not the other person who is causing you to feel tension or negativity or hostility but rather, you are actually struggling to navigate why their beliefs are not yours. That’s simple. Their beliefs are not yours because their experiences are not yours.

Once again, allow that to land.

When we fight and argue about which beliefs are right, we are literally dismissing the experiences that have informed those beliefs. In essence we are dismissing the person’s entire existence.

This is why I feel less conversations about each other and more conversations with each other can benefit all of us. Conversations are the gateway to understanding and acceptance. We can disagree and still accept each other. But that will never happen if we first don’t give each other an opportunity to learn and understand each other.

Much love,

S2E8 : How About Resisting?

How we think about our lives influences how we feel about our lives. How we talk about our lives to others and to ourselves affects our mood, our outlook, and our sense of self-worth. The beautiful thing is, we can control how we think and talk about our lives!

How we think about our lives influences how we feel about our lives. How we talk about our lives to others and to ourselves affects our mood, our outlook, and our sense of self-worth. The beautiful thing is, we can control how we think and talk about our lives!


We trap ourselves in our circumstances (choice). But know this, your circumstances were once consequences of choices you made. You can make new choices about the life you want to create and live. And though your circumstances may seem daunting and overpowering, your choices can help you overcome, persevere, be exactly who you are meant to be. 



It’s within you. Yes it is. You have the freedom to make the choice to be positive. Of course we experience challenges, loss, and pain. But those experiences need negativity to survive. Instead, you can dig deep and summon the strength to feed positivity to those experiences. Your positive energy has the power to transform challenges into an opportunities, loss into acceptance, and pain into healing. Believe. 


Love Messages

When we find ourselves in relationships that are contingent on what we put in and what we get out, connection has become transaction. Of course, there is responsibility and accountability in relationship. However, if the base of it is, “Look what I’ve done for you.” or “I owe you, because of what I’ve done or haven’t done.” ego and fear are driving feelings and behaviors rather than self and love. 


Love Messages

You may be the one. 

We are not truthful about our wants and needs. We force for the sake of maintaining. We label acts of obligated duty as forms of love. We give up and call it compromise. We hide in our own shadow and claim we are private. We seek confirmation that feels safe. We avoid honest reflection and conversations that feel threatening. We give power to our faults. We see our self-worth as secondary to pleasing others.